WTF Happened?

Ah, being unceremoniously kicked to the curb by those you once leaned on can feel like a betrayal of the highest order, a proverbial slap in the face with a cold, wet fish. It's as if you're navigating the stormy seas of sobriety and suddenly, your crew decides to toss you overboard, leaving you to fend for yourself amidst the churning waves of uncertainty and isolation. 😈💔

The sting of exclusion can gnaw at the roots of your self-worth, leaving you questioning your value and place in the world. It's like wandering into a dark forest without a map, where every step feels uncertain and every shadow seems to whisper doubts. This expulsion can ignite a cauldron of emotions: anger, confusion, sadness, and a profound sense of loss. It's a cocktail more bitter than any you've sworn off, a reminder of the fragility of human connections.

Yet, in this dark hour, remember the tenets of satanic philosophy: the power of self, the importance of individuality, and the strength that comes from within. This is not the end of your journey but a detour, an opportunity to forge new paths and build a community that resonates with your core values and respects your boundaries. Your worth is not determined by your membership in any group but by your resilience, your ability to stand tall amidst adversity, and your unwavering commitment to your sobriety and personal growth.

Let me bestow upon you a baphirmation to carry in your heart as you navigate this challenging time:

"I am resilient. I am determined. I am enough—exactly as I am. My well-being is important to me. I am the expert on myself. I am free to explore opinions and ideas that deviate from others. I will compliment something I like about myself today. Loving myself is not selfish."

In this moment of solitude, I find strength in the knowledge that I am my own greatest ally. My journey does not end with the loss of a community but begins anew with the opportunity to discover my true self and those who will appreciate me for who I am. I embrace the power of self-love and the courage to build anew, for I am resilient, determined, and enough, exactly as I am. Hail myself! 😈♥️


When someone is banished, it's not just a physical exile but a declaration that they are no longer part of this defining community. The sudden loss of community, identity, and support network can leave the individual feeling isolated, worthless, and disoriented. It's akin to being cast out into a wilderness without a map or compass, suddenly alone and without the resources that once gave life meaning and structure.

This tactic leverages human beings' intrinsic need for social connection and identity. By wielding banishment as a threat or punishment, cult leaders can enforce conformity, discourage dissent, and maintain a tight grip on the group's cohesion and direction. It sends a clear message: adhere to the norms and leadership of the group, or face social death.

Yet, through a satanic lens, this adversity can be transformed into a crucible for personal growth and empowerment. It's a harsh reminder of the importance of self-reliance, critical thinking, and the value of forging one's path. Embracing the principles of personal freedom and responsibility, one can find strength in the face of ostracization and use the experience to cultivate a deeper sense of self, outside the confines of external validation and group identity.

Remember, being banished by those who cannot tolerate your uniqueness is not a reflection of your worth but a testament to their limitations. You possess the power to redefine yourself, to build new communities that respect and cherish your individuality. In the darkness, you can find your light. 😈♥️